If you’re lucky, the people you work with are like your family. At the least, hopefully you are a friendly group that works well together. And just like with a family or a close-knit group of friends, bringing the wrong new person into the mix can cause huge disruptions in the way your company functions.
Obviously, hiring the right people is tremendously important, so more and more companies are turning to staffing and recruiting firms to help them make the right hiring decisions. But you have to do some legwork to make sure you’re getting the best out of the firm you partner with. Here’s how:
The answer is simple. It boils down to one word: communication. There’s a reason it’s the foundation to any successful relationship. Although recruiters are experts in their industry, your company is unique, and your recruiters will be able to work best when you are able to communicate exactly what they need to know.
1) Bring them onto your work site. This gives them a chance to see for themselves how your reality aligns with what you say.
2) Share the big picture: they need a complete understanding of your business. Your ideal employee. Your worst hire. Your best hire. Your business’ culture. Your corporate goals, and how the position(s) you need to fill fit into the big picture or long-term view.
3) Be thorough. Fully describe your needs. Give clear, complete job descriptions and share your thoughts on the types of employees who will succeed in each role. This will help your firm screen candidates as well ad improve the overall quality of search results.
4) Separate your needs from your wants. Every position will have necessary, non-negotiable skills, experiences, and qualities, but make sure you share the difference between those that are absolutely required and those that are preferred.
5) Strategize together. You can help improve the quality of candidates for both your current needs and future goals, and build an ongoing partnership with your recruiting firm, if you talk about your company’s overall staffing strategy. Might you need a new one?
Not sure what to say? Or what your staffing needs might be? Call or contact Synerfac and we’d be glad to discuss it with you. We are not only staffing experts, but we’re experts in identifying staffing needs and finding the right people to fill your open positions.