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Best Practices of Onboarding Temporary Workers – A Managers’ Guide

If your company relies on a significant contingent or temporary workforce, a well-considered onboarding process becomes critical. After all, it’s a process typically used after hiring permanent employees and might be overlooked for contract staff. It ultimately ensures your temp talent quickly becomes productive, making a positive impact on your operations.

With a goal of properly engaging temporary workers, check out these insights on forging an effective onboarding process. Leverage this advice to ensure your entire team stays engaged, inspired, and productive – temporary or permanent. In the end, this approach plays a key role in building a successful business.

Set Tangible Goals and Expectations

Temporary workers make a significant contribution to your business when they have clearly defined goals and expectations. Ensure you use the SMART acronym when setting these goals:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-Bound

This strategy ensures a new temp understands your expectations for them. Also, provide information on their schedule, work policies, and anything else they need for success. This orientation process remains the best way to get a meaningful return on your temporary staffing investment.

Provide Timely Feedback and Regular Communication

Any worker – temporary or permanent – benefits when you provide them with timely and constructive feedback. In short, don’t wait until the end of an assignment to offer opinions on the performance of contingent talent. Maintain open and transparent communication channels so your temps feel comfortable providing their own insights. This also serves as a great resource for helpful information on your operations and permanent staff.

Recognize the Contributions of Your Temporary Workers

Successfully managing your contingent staff becomes easier when you essentially treat them like permanent employees. This includes recognizing their meaningful achievements and contributions to your team. Reward your top performers with an extra bonus, like a gift card. It remains a great way to build goodwill among your entire temporary team.

Establish a Framework for Professional Development

Of course, your business likely provides meaningful professional development opportunities to your permanent employees. At the same time, consider offering something similar to your contingent workers. While this may some counterintuitive, it helps your company foster a culture focused on training and development. It ultimately makes your organization a great place to work for both employees and contract workers.

Looking For New Employees In The U.S.?

When your business needs an influx of contingent talent, contact the expert team at Synerfac. As one of the top staffing agencies in the country, we help your company enjoy increased success and profitability. Schedule a meeting with us to discuss your temporary talent needs and how we can help your organization thrive.
